Author(s) :
P. Rathnavel, K. Vanitha, S. Reshma, S. Sai Isha, Baldwin Immanuel
Conference Name :
International Conference on Modern Trends in Engineering and Management (ICMTEM-24)
Abstract :
This project deals with the implementation of inverter which is based on asymmetrical cascaded of bridge producing a 63 level output. With the help of this topology we come to know that a total of 124 switches either MOSFET switches are used. This results in usage of heavy components so to reduce it we decrease the number of DC sources to 5 which now currently as 31 DC sources by binary code we reduce it to 5 DC source and 5 switches [1]. Further the 5 DC sources are reduced to one by implying the fly back converter. This on the whole receives up to 2% of total harmonic distortion (THD).
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